Your Domino Apps – Anytime, Anyplace!

For some time now, Domino users have been able to access their favourite Domino applications from iOS and Android devices with the HCL Nomad mobile client.Now, HCL continue to deliver on their strategy of providing customers with choice and flexibility, by extending HCL Nomad to the desktop!HCL Nomad Web enables access to the familiar Notes Workspace and applications directly within the browser! No code changes and no plugins required!

How Does It Work?

So, how does all this hang together? For Domino, all you need is the ID Vault and the LDAP server task running. The HCL Nomad Web component itself runs on top of a HCL SafeLinx server. Installation and configuration is straightforward and you can be up and  running in no time.HCL Nomad Web is free to deploy for all customers on active Complere Business Collaboration (CCB) Licensing.

Say Hello.

For a demo of HCL Nomad Web and advice on to transition to CCB licensing, talk to Blue Sky Hosting today.

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